Solicitor/Peddlers Permit

To Get a Solicitor/Peddler's Permit - must apply for and have the following:

  • City Business License ($50.00 first year, $25.00 for renewals) expires Dec. 31st in the year the permit is issued.
  • Principal Soliciting Permit ($40.00 yearly) expires Dec. 31st in the year the permit is issued.
  • Individual Soliciting Permit for each person soliciting for Principal Business ($5.00 per person every year) expires Dec. 31st in the year the permit is issued.
  • Signed affidavit under oath in front of a City Hall notary for each individual soliciting for the Principal Business that you have not been convicted of any felonies, any misdemeanors involving theft, sexual offenses or drug offenses.
  • Provide a criminal background check from the Arkansas State Police for each individual soliciting for the Principal Business that shows you have not been convicted of any felonies or any misdemeanors involving theft, sexual offenses or drug offenses.
  • Provide a color photo ID for each individual soliciting for the Principal Business.

Each Solicitor/Peddler must have the following with them when soliciting:

  • A copy of Ordinance 2012-05 -Regulate Door to Door Solicitation at Private Residences in the City of Farmington
  • A copy of Principal Solicitor/Peddler's Permit
  • A copy of Individual Solicitor/Peddler's Permit
  • A copy of Business License
  • A visible color photo ID provided by the Principal Business.

****If a "No Soliciting" decal is posted at the front of a private residence in the City, by posting said notification, any solicitor or peddler has notice that soliciting or peddling at this address is prohibited by City ordinance.

****Allowed soliciting hours are:
10 a.m. - 7 p.m. standard time
10 a.m. - 8 p.m. daylight savings time